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Think You Need Digital Advertising?

Digital Advertisings now the new norm—it’s the fastest growing marketing channel with no signs of slowing down, according to Strategy Analytics. In fact, most companies spent more on digital marketing in 2021 than they did in 2021. This shouldn’t come as a surprise—marketing has always been about three things: location, location, location. And today, your target market is largely online. Marketers are focusing more and more resources on meeting people there, and it’s working out well for them and their customers.

The digital marketplace has put a lot of buying power back into the hands of buyers and consumers, forcing many marketers to get more creative, more genuine, and more helpful. Consumers today jump from channel to channel, seamlessly throughout the day and increasingly those channels are digital. Today, the average consumer does research on products, solutions, and companies before making a purchase. Digital technology is giving marketers a breadth of new tools, allowing them to be more focused and strategic. Digital advertising simply makes sense if you want to get your message, campaign, or promotion in front of your audience.

Digital advertising has a lot to offer today’s marketers.

Here are seven things we’ve learned about digital advertising.

1. Digital Advertising is Targeted

What if each ad you create is always only seen by qualified prospects and target audience members? Sterling Cooper would have made you a partner in no time with that kind of guarantee, but today this is becoming the norm.

Traditional advertising is hit-or-miss, but digital platforms are changing the game. SEO and PPC can put your brand name and your content marketing in front of customers at every stage of the buying cycle. Social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn offer flexible ad options that allow you to segment by geographic location, demographics, interests, and more.

Finally, since many forms of digital advertising are “opt-in”—from customers who follow your blog and social media accounts, to those who receive your emails—you know your outreach is going to people who want your information.

2. Digital Advertising Provides Flexibility Across Channels

The keyword for success in digital advertising is “multi-channel.” With digital advertising, a piece of content can be shared across a variety of platforms, which means that you are no longer confined to one page, 30 seconds, or whatever format your traditional ad was designed for.

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